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April is all about transition this year. Aries season always marks the beginning of the new year, astrologically speaking. This year, however, we have the added milestones of Mars finally moving into Cancer and Pluto in Aquarius. Saturn is also, of course, now in Pisces. While these ingresses occurred back in March, this is our first full month adjusting to the sober new landscape. Things feel different now. It’s out with the old, and in with the new. Burn baby, burn.
Mars is the ruler of Aries and finished off a major transit last month. We spend April with a crabby, defensive, fallen Mars who will be gaining speed throughout Aries season. Mars entered Cancer back on March 25th and will remain here until May.
Eclipse season starts this month, the first of the series in the Aries/Libra axis. The nodes will shift later this year in July, and we’ll have two more eclipses in our Taurus/Scorpio houses before they occur entirely across the cardinal axis for the next couple of years.
Our first Aries solar eclipse since 2006 takes place on April 20th, which is the second new moon this Aries season. Double the trouble perhaps? Especially with a fallen planet as the ruler of the upcoming eclipse.
This is not an ideal month for Mutable placements, who are adjusting to the recent entrance of Saturn onto their axis. Mercury and Jupiter also aren’t in great shape this month. Jupiter spends the month largely combust aka under the beams, aka invisible to the naked eye. The exception to this is the Jupiter cazemi on the 12th which provides an auspicious moment to the Aries house in our charts.
Mercury begins his second retrograde for the year in Taurus on April 21st. This year these retrogrades are occurring (for the most part) in the Earth triplicity, signaling necessary revisions to our tangible realities. The messenger planet spends much of the month in its shadow, so prepare for revisions of anything that you start from the 7th onwards.
Here are your monthly ‘scopes. As always, read from your rising sign or sect light, and all dates and times are in AEDT so adjust where necessary.
Quite the month for our baby rams. Not that Aries season isn’t always a spicy roller coaster, but this year we’ve got a solar eclipse in your sign, making this an especially significant time for you.
Solar eclipses signal big beginnings – this is the start of a major new chapter of your life, so if you feel like you’re on the cusp of something new and wonderful, you’re absolutely right. These eclipses ring in a new period relative to you and your personal relationships. Keep an eye out for clues around the solar eclipse on the 20th which may give you some insight into what this will look like for you.
Your ruling planet, Mars, has recently made his entrance into Cancer, your fourth house, which represents your home, parents, and private emotional life. These topics will likely be more significant at this time. Mars in cancer is a crabby and frustrating transit which can make you a bit more defensive and protective than usual. Watch out for when the steam comes out of your ears, and try not to say anything without thinking – easier said than done for Aries placements.
You get to enjoy a lot of action in your sign this month, including the Jupiter cazemi on the 12th, which is an especially empowering date to watch out for. Have fun!
Later this month we kick off what is always the best astrological season – The Suns transit through the most luxurious sign in the zodiac, Taurus.
Until then, you get Venus, your ruling planet in your sign until the 11th. After that, Venus transits your second house, bringing some lush blessings to your bank account or some fancy new belongings.
You’re settling into a brand new reality in terms of your future goals. Did you have a recent revelation or lightbulb moment in this area? These goals will be something you’ll work towards for the next three years and while they might seem illusory now, this is about the longer-term goal and bringing the dream to life. Saturn will be helping you ground this over the coming years, and the grind will pay off in time.
You’ll host a confusing and frazzled mercury retrograde this month. Not ideal for a sign that loves stability and slow, steady, cumulative change.
In preparation for Taurus season, private time to recharge and reclaim your own dreams is in focus for you this month. Your twelfth house, the area of your chart that represents your private, alone time is in major focus. Check yourself before you wreck yourself or you may end up as that proverbial bull in the china shop during this upcoming retrograde.
After seven months of manic chaos, Mars has finally exited your signs. Gemini placements can instead look forward to a harmonious Venus transit from the 11th onwards.
Mars having exited does not mean that you get off easy. In fact, the exit of one Malefic follows the entrance of another. Not into your sign, but into your fellow mutable sign, Pisces. This means that Saturn is upping the tension over the next three years as Pisces transits will square your natal Gemini placements. It’s not all bad, this can be a constructive and helpful transit, and your career and public image will be more robust for it…eventually.
Your eleventh house is in major focus this month bringing into attention your hopes and wishes for the future, as well as your friendship network or social media. You’re in for some major changes in this area of your life over the next couple of years, as this is where the upcoming eclipse series will be happening. Keep an eye out on the 12th for a piece of lucky insight from a friend or acquaintance.
Your ruling planet, Mercury, is pulling a go-slow this month leading up to his retrograde station on the 21st. This is the time to slow down and take stock. It’s been a chaotic time with the recent Mars transit. Count your blessings and get ready for your next big thing – remember that Venus is here to help for the second part of the month. The upcoming Mercury retrograde station is almost exactly conjunct Uranus, so take the time to set your nervous system up for success as this can be a frazzling transit.
This month you get to play host to a very crabby guest, Mars. Mars will be bringing extra heat, making you more productive, but also more defensive than usual. At least he’s out of your twelfth house and you might be able to get a bit more R&R. Try not to burn the candle at both ends.
Career and public life are a major focus this month. Big changes kick off this month in this part of your chart, so keep an eye out for some clues around the solar eclipse on the 20th as this will be the start of a two-ish year period in your public-facing life. You also have a lucky Jupiter cazemi in this area of your chart on the 12th, so you may see some of your hard work get recognized or a lucky break.
Saturn is in your ninth house now, so consider your longer-term plans in the realm of study, travel, or even publishing. Sober Saturn is ready to help you grind to make those Piscean dreams a reality.
Is now the time to make that shift you’ve been thinking of? The full Moon on the 6th should bring some much-needed clarity and help you see things as they are. This happens in your fourth house, so will bring to a close a chapter in your home and living situation, parents, or to do with your private, emotional life.
Rest assured that nothing is forever, the Moon will always wax and wane, and Mars transits always come to an end.
While much of the zodiac is suffering this month, Leos seem to get the lion’s share of the month’s pleasantries, including a Jupiter cazemi on the 12th which should be especially emboldening. Aries season is always a nice time for Leos. Ruled by the Sun, his transit through his exaltation is just *chef’s kiss*. The action this month takes place in your ninth house, so may relate to your studies, travel, academic interests, or publishing. Thinking about starting something in this area?
The eclipse on the 20th will also activate this area, so keep an eye out for some pieces of insight into the new chapter unfolding in this area over the next couple of years will look like.
After the Sun enters Taurus, he will square with Pluto on the 21st. This may bring power struggles to your attention, particularly those between you and your partners in love or business. Pluto is newly in your seventh house of 1:1 partnerships. This new energy will be a long-term influence and will likely feel foreign initially.
Mercury is going to station retrograde in your tenth house of career and public image later in the month. Due to his proximity to Uranus this retrograde may bring up curveballs, or anxiety in this area of life. Keep an eye out and try to fortify this area as much as you can in preparation.
Either way, things are in your favor, particularly for the first half of the month, so take the win!
While we are in Aries season and everything around us seems to be moving at lightning speed, Mercurial placements will be slowing down this month in line with their ruling planet’s pre-retrograde motion. This can feel frustrating and anxiety provoking, especially with the retrograde beginning right as Mercury is about to conjoin the nerve ending-fryer, Uranus.
As we know, Virgo loves order and logic, so the sudden changes and disruptions that Uranus loves to bring are not generally welcome. Mercury enters your ninth house, Taurus, on April 4th and will stay there until June.
You’re adjusting to Saturn in your seventh house, which is a huge change. Things have suddenly become so much more serious. Even you are a much more serious person now. Saturn’s transit through this house will bring a level of solidity and maturity to your 1:1 relationships in love and business over the next three years. Perhaps you’re showing up now as a more serious, mature person, or perhaps you’re now dealing with more serious, mature people?
Big changes are kicking off in your finance sectors over the next 18 months. The eclipse on the 20th is just the beginning of this. Both your personal and shared finances are about to get an overhaul with the eclipses across your second and eighth house. Keep an eye out for a win to do with your shared assets around the 12th.
Venus transits your tenth house of career and public image for much of this month, starting on the 11th, so enjoy some much-needed harmony or public recognition for your past labors.
There’s lots of action in your relationships this month. Aries season always means that this part of your chart is activated, of course, but this month you also get a nice little Jupiter cazemi in this area on the 12th. Look out for some positive news in your love or business life. You get the first eclipse in this same area on the 20th, so keep an eye out for changes around this date that may give you some insight into what is to come. Eclipses across the ascendant/descendant axis rarely leave you the same. Get ready!
You’re adjusting to a new pressure in your work, health, and daily routines that will leave you more resilient in the coming years, though it may be a tough one to get used to initially. Taskmaster Saturn entered this part of your chart last month and will be forcing accountability and resilience in these parts of your life until 2025.
The upcoming Mercury retrograde takes place in your eighth house. This is the part of your chart that deals with shared resources. You may be doing some necessary reevaluating of joined bank accounts, assets, or debt during this time.
Your ruling planet, Venus, is in Taurus, for the first part of this month, this is good news for you and may give you some time to fortify eighth-house topics prior to the upcoming Mercury retrograde.
This month your ruling planet is in its sign of fall – Cancer. This means you may be feeling, even more, broody, defensive or morose than usual. This may especially impact your travel, study, or publishing if that’s something you’re into.
You are adjusting to the newfound pressure of having Saturn in your fifth house, this is the place in your chart that represents your play. Your hobbies, romance, and your children. Saturn transiting this house can feel like all the fun is being sucked out of these areas and you are forced to be practical and mature. Saturn transiting through Pisces is a sobering transit, but it can really help us make dreams real. Perhaps this is something that will be reflected in your hobbies over the coming couple of years.
Eclipses are about to start happening in your sixth and twelfth houses. Changes are likely to begin in your work, routines, and health during this time. These are big chapters closing and opening – keep an eye out around the 20th for some insight into what this might look like for you.
Mercury retrograde begins in your seventh house this month. This is your house of relationships. Prepare for the obligatory re-entry of the ex(s).
Your ruling planet, Jupiter, is out of action this month due to his proximity to The Sun. The 12th will likely bring some profound insight and a bold renewal for you as this is the date of the Jupiter Cazemi. While Jupiter is concealed from view under the beams of the sun, he is going through an ordeal of sorts, this may feel like you’re really going through it, or things are just a bit ‘meh’. Rest assured that you’re nearly at the tipping point and it’s about to pay off.
Saturn entered your fourth house of home and family last month. This month you’re adjusting to this newfound maturity and pressure in this area of life. Perhaps you’re putting down roots in a real way, or perhaps you’re dealing with some sobering private emotions. It’s a heavy transit, but it will leave you more resilient and robust in the end.
Career matters are being reevaluated during the upcoming retrograde in Taurus, your sixth house. Mercury rules your tenth house, which relates to your career and public image. You may have some necessary work revisions and curveballs during the next month that frustratingly require some time and attention.
Venus enters your seventh house of 1:1 relationships on the 11th. This is always a nice transit as it generally brings harmony and beauty to our dealings with our nearest and dearest, both in love and business.
The first Aries eclipse this month on the 20th kicks off some major new chapter opening in your fifth house of creativity, children, and romance. The eclipse series will also impact your eleventh house, this is the part of your chart that represents your friendship network and hopes for the future.
Keep an eye out for some creative insight or profound realization around the 12th during the Jupiter cazemi.
Mars is transiting your seventh house so try not to be too combative with your nearest and dearest. This is a short transit and will be over in May, but it can bring with it some steam and divisiveness in a normally harmonious and comfy part of your life. Don’t do or say anything you’ll regret at this time.
The upcoming Mercury retrograde takes place in your fifth house of creativity, children, and romance. Prepare for some curveballs and necessary revisions in this area of life over the coming month. You also have eclipses starting in your fourth house and tenth house axis, bringing in some longer-term changes to your career situation, as well as your home and living environment. The Aries eclipse on the 20th will give you some insight into what these may be.
Saturn, your ruling planet, is now firmly in Pisces, your third house of communication, transit, and skills. You’re honing and maturing in these areas over the coming years, and you may have noticed less financial pressure now that Saturn is out of your second house. Take the wins where you can get them.
Your financial sector is going to be transformed in the coming years with Pluto’s transit of Aquarius. This will look different from person to person, but it generally either expands or annihilates wherever it touches. Have you noticed any changes since the 23rd of March?
Saturn remains in a sign-based trine with Mars in Cancer all month giving you the edge to push forward and get things done. While Mars in Cancer is an invariably frustrating transit, at least you can use the spite as fuel and therefore the transit to your advantage.
Pluto is in the house as of the 23rd of last month. He’ll be transiting across your first house over the next two decades and certainly won’t leave you the same. Pluto’s transits bring revelations of true power dynamics and trawl the depths of wherever he touches. He’ll likely be revealing some unsettling personal truths and rattling your psyche during this time, perhaps making you a much more powerful, formidable person for it. If you’ve ever considered getting into therapy, now is a good time to explore the depths of your psychology.
Saturn is now in your second house, bringing added pressure and responsibility to your financial sector for the next three years. Saturn transits build foundations that last, so consider the coming years a restructuring phase in this part of life.
The upcoming Mercury retrograde will occur in your fourth house and you’ll likely be dealing with some necessary revisions and unexpected curveballs to do with your home and living situation, emotional life, or parents in the coming weeks.
The upcoming eclipse series kicks off on the 20th, and the first eclipse occurs in your third house, where much of this month’s action happens. This is the part of your chart that rules your skills, transport, and communication. Watch out at the time of the eclipse for what this new chapter will bring for you over the next couple of years.
Venus enters your romance sector on the 11th, bringing some much-needed harmony to this area of life. Enjoy some much-needed R&R during this time, things have been exhausting lately.
Your ruling planet, Jupiter, is out of sorts this month during his annual encounter with the Sun. While the 12th may bring some revelations and insights, this month may feel like you’re going through an ordeal or even generally invisible. This is the start of a new chapter for you, so consider any trouble you encounter as a growing pain – the struggle will be worth it soon enough.
Saturn entered your first house last month and brought with it the perils of aging and the responsibility of being a mature, fully-fledged person. How has the last month been? Feeling serious yet?
The Mercury retrograde starting on the 21st is in your third house, so prepare for some transit and communication-related curveballs and necessary revisions. You may need to revise or relearn some skill-set during this time.
Venus enters your fourth house on the 11th which should bring some personal emotional harmony or some blessings related to your home and living situation. This is a nice transit, especially after Mars recently spent so long dredging up chaos in this part of your chart – enjoy the healing salve that is a Venus transit.
The Aries eclipse on the 20th rings in some changes that will develop over the coming couple of years related to your personal and shared finances. Pay attention around this date for insight into what this may look like for you.
Image via: @gaia_files