

April 30, 2023

After what will be a blurry, and potentially quite emotive, first week of the month. May kicks off a new series of major astrological shifts, many of which are set to improve the current situation for us. 

Taurus season is usually about slow, steady progress. It’s a time to stop and smell the roses. This year it’s bringing more change than we’re used to, much more than most Taureans would like, but despite what the Taurean mindset would tell you – there is such a thing as good change. 

We have our final Scorpio eclipse on the 6th, which will likely feel like pulling the plug and draining a bathtub full of the murky emotional mess we have been dealing with for the past year and a half. This is the closing of a longer chapter, so consider which house Scorpio is for you and what this eclipse likely relates to. While it may be a tender few days, the catharsis that follows will make it all worthwhile in the end. 

Venus shifts into Cancer on the 8th. This is a nice improvement in her planetary dignity, and a much more pleasant, loving vibe. Great news, as she is the ruler of most of the action this month. 

Mid-month, Mercury retrograde ends, and Jupiter enters Taurus. This is the start of a new 12-month chapter relating to this part of our chart. Taurus is pretty packed at this point, so whatever house this sign occupies in your natal chart is getting majorly activated. Over the next year, Jupiter is going to be adding a dose of good luck, expansion, and buoyancy here. A time of fertility and slow, steady gains will surely follow in whichever area of your life this relates to. 

The Taurus New Moon on the 20th looks pleasant and nourishing. This will be a great time for leisure and pleasure. A marked difference from the months earlier lunation. Take a load off, and enjoy those proverbial roses. 

Mars enters Leo on the 21st and immediately opposes Pluto whilst applying to a square with Jupiter. This will likely be an intense few days. Mars is about as bold and prideful as he gets in Leo, but it’s certainly an improvement from his waterlogged transit of Cancer, the sign of his fall. This transit should provide a much more straightforward and stable foundation for any actions taken. Especially given that Mercury is direct by this point. 

The T-square that Mars, Pluto, and Jupiter create in the final third of the month is a considerably loud and expansive one, considering the planetary players involved. Think about where the fixed axis sits in your chart and whether a calculated risk or bold new action is really worth it at this time. If so, this is potentially a very powerful time to shoot your shot. If not, sit tight and wait until the dust settles. 

Gemini Season begins concurrently, kicking off a new Mercurial astrological month, and one with a decidedly busier and more chaotic vibe than what we’ve just been enjoying. 

This month closes eclipse season and Mercury retrograde. Two things we can all be thankful for if nothing else. 

Here are your horoscopes. As usual, read from your rising sign or sect light and all dates are in AEST


All eyes are on you this month, as not one but three inner planets, plus the North Node and Uranus occupy your sign. This is likely a time of great significance for you and one that in retrospect you’ll consider as being especially formative. 

The final Scorpio eclipse of the series occurs in your seventh house on the 6th of the month. This is all about you and your close relationships. What changes have you seen in the last year and a half? This eclipse closes the door on a period of time that may have felt very intense, emotional, and draining with regard to this area. Expect the eclipse and the couple of days around it to feel a bit moody and broody, and because this is your seventh house we’re talking about, this may play out through your partners (in life or business) more than you. 

Venus enters a much more favorable sign, Cancer, on the 8th. This brings a positive shift, and you’ll likely be able to find solace and pleasure in reading and writing, as this is your third house which is your communication sector. 

The T-square between Mars, Pluto, and Jupiter across the fixed axis later in the month may bring some extra spice and energy to the mix. You’re being pushed to self-motivate and transform your public image. This could all work out quite well for you if you ride the wave with the dignity and grace that you’re known for. 


Mercury, your ruling planet, makes his conjunction with the Sun, signaling the midpoint of his current retrograde on the 2nd. This date might provide you with some significant insights or clarity around something that has been too blurry to get a proper handle on recently. This may pertain to issues around how you present in the world, as well as any creative projects. 

Creative people need time to sit around and do nothing. This is very much the theme of this retrograde due to it occuring in your 12th house, the house of solitude and self-undoing. This is the place where you are asked to check yourself before you wreck yourself. There’s lots of latent imaginative potential available to you at this time, so take the space you need to rest and rejuvenate to let those ideas blossom. This links to the legacy-building phase that began when Saturn entered Pisces back in March. Who are you and who are you becoming?

The retrograde is over on the 15th. Shortly after that, The Sun enters your sign and it’s your time to show off this fresh new self you’ve developed during the inward retrograde phase. Gemini season begins with a bang this year with the aforementioned T-square – this is a great time to spend time producing some written or spoken work, and even venturing into publishing or academia. There are lots of options and opportunities available to you right now, just make sure you slow down enough to recognize and consider them. 


Aside from your ruling luminary being involved in a turbulent eclipse on the 6th, this could be quite a nice chapter for you. Venus enters your sign on the 8th, and she will bring with her the harmonious pleasantries she normally promises. You may feel or look extra attractive or magnetic at this time as she’s transiting your first house. 

The eclipse in your fifth house on the 6th brings the latest development in the year or so-long story involving your romantic and creative (or procreative) life. You’re pulling the plug on a stagnant project, and this may bring up some complex emotions. 

Jupiter enters your eleventh house on the 17th, which brings some much-needed stability and joy to your friendship circle. Dream big at this time, as the eleventh house is the place where we see our hopes and wishes for the future, you have all the support you need to make this a fantastic new phase. Jupiter will be here for the next twelve months, so plenty of slow and steady progress is possible during this transit. 

The Taurus New Moon on the 20th looks like a great time to spend engaging in some R&R with some friends as this part of your chart is activated during this lunation. It’s a Taurus New Moon so why not do the Taurean thing and wine and dine?

Mars finally exits Cancer on the 21st, and whilst it’s nice to have him not enacting his violence towards your face and body, it’s unfortunately also not especially pleasant to have him doing so with respect to your finances and possessions. Try to watch out for unintentional financial losses during this transit. No one likes that. 


The month kicks off with Mercury’s conjunction with your ruling luminary, The Sun. This signals the middle of Mercury’s retrograde and may provide some profound insight or solace. 

The Scorpio eclipse on the 6th is in your fourth house of home and living situation. This part of your chart also relates to your private and emotional life and will bring to a close something that you’ve been dealing with in this area for over a year now. This might be a turbulent one to deal with but it’ll feel better on the other side. 

The conjunction between The Sun and Uranus on the 10th may bring some sudden changes in relation to your career or public image. This is the area of your chart in major focus this month. Jupiter joins the Taurus stellium on the 17th and should bring some productive expansion and growth to this area over the coming year. 

The start of Gemini season brings some pleasant aspects between The Sun, Pluto, and Mars over the 21st and 22nd. This should provide you with some fortification during the concurrent T-square between Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto.

Mars enters your first house on the 21st, which is a fresh and bold new energy for you. This may be a time when intrinsic motivation and personal vigor really give you the edge to go further than you previously have.

The month ends on a bit of a bummer of a note when The Sun squares Saturn on 28th – it’s just a day or so we’ll feel this for, so don’t let this dull your shine too much.


The Month begins with a Mercury Cazemi, this is the mid-point of Mercury’s retrograde and can provide some profound insight into the current issue you’re dealing with. This issue may be specifically related to your studies, publishing, or foreign travel, as this is the area of your chart that is hosting much of the planetary action this month. 

You’ve got a huge pileup in Taurus, your ninth house this month, so Venus’ shift into cancer on the 8th improves things as she’s in better shape and can therefore better provide for her tenants. 

Mercury, your ruling planet makes sexiles with Saturn and Venus on the 12th and 13th. This brings a time for constructive and harmonious thought and action. You’ve likely been revising some matter recently, and post-cazemi we’re able to find solutions. These sextiles may give you some help. Mercury makes another sextile to Saturn once direct on the 19th, there is great potential here to turn this into something long-lasting and productive. Remember, things of quality have no fear of time

The retrograde resolves on the 15th, when Mercury stations direct and is followed by Jupiter’s ingress into Taurus. Whatever the (now solved) issues that came up during the retrograde, they are about to get expanded upon and greatly improved by this Jupiter transit over the next year. 

Aside from that, you have a potent lunar eclipse in your third house, Scorpio, on the 6th. Writing or talking to a trusted confidant at this time would be a great way to process the potentially turbulent emotions this could bring up for you. 


For you, this month will probably feel a lot better after the 8th. Venus is still in Gemini until the 8th, and you have a bummer of an eclipse in your second house on the 6th. This part of your chart relates to your money, possessions, and values, so you may feel disempowered and potentially out of pocket at this time. 

Venus squares Neptune on the 5th, which is a little like drinking delusional bitch juice. Don’t make any moves that you regret. Neptune has the tendency to make it difficult for us to see things as they are. Rest assured that things improve after that. Venus shifts into Cancer on the 8th, this shifts your focus to your career and public image in a big way. You may experience accolades during this time, or things may just feel especially harmonious in this part of your life. Either way, enjoy it. Venus trines Saturn on the 13th, bringing even more solidifying support in your work and career sectors. 

You have a nice New Moon on the 20th in your eighth house. This is the part of your chart that relates to your shared assets (which can include inheritance or even taxes), and sexuality. This lunation, and Jupiter’s ingress into this area of your chart, is kicking off a new and potentially lucrative chapter for you. You may experience steady gains in these parts of your life over the next year or so. Lucky you!


The final eclipse in your sign of this series happens on the 6th of the month. This will likely feel like a bit of a purge. You’re getting rid of the old you. There’s a lot you’ve outgrown over the past year, and this eclipse will help you clear out the old to make room for the new. The positive side of this is that the rest of the month brings a lot of that to be thankful for.  

There’s a lovely New Moon on the 20th, which kicks off a new vibrant new chapter of growth and harmony in your partnerships. The next year will see a lot of slow, steady, and positive progress in this area as Jupiter enters this part of your chart on the 17th and will stay here for the next year.

Your ruling planet, Mars is currently in Cancer, your ninth house of foreign travel and philosophy. Mars is in his fall here, but this period ends on March 21st when he enters your 10th house, Leo. Leo is your career and public image sector – this will likely be a time of pointed focus on your legacy, work, and overall reputation. 

Once Mars is in Leo he squares off with Jupiter in Taurus, your seventh house of relationships, and opposes Pluto in your fourth house of home and living situation. There’s a lot of tension here, but you have the power to resolve it in a way that can be very productive. This can take you to heights you haven’t experienced before. The potential is there, it’s up to you what you make of it. 


Jupiter, your ruling planet, enters Taurus on the 17th. This is the start of an abundant and steady period for you. Focus on your daily routines, lifestyle, and work, and see that pay off in dividends. There’s a New Moon on the 20th in this part of your chart which is a great time to reset these parts of your life.

While the issues relating to your parents and home life are ongoing, from Jupiter’s ingress onwards there is a sign-based sextile with Saturn in Pisces. This is supportive and constructive and may greatly improve the situation or your outlook on the situation. 

The eclipse on the 6th in Scorpio, your 12th house, may find you self-sabotaging or playing with topics of escapism and solitude, this is the last of these eclipses in this series. This one is kind of like pulling the plug on all that murky and depressive stagnant mental energy from the past couple of years. You’ll be better for it, trust. 

Venus exits your seventh house on the 8th and enters your eighth house of shared resources. You may find that this brings some gains in the form of inheritance, tax benefits, or even in your sex life. In any case, it’s a pleasant transit, as Venus much prefers it in Cancer than Gemini. 


How are you enjoying Saturn in Pisces? After the last few years of hard work and building your resources up, now it’s time to relax and indulge your creative side. You may find more pleasure in simple skills, like reading, writing, or even enjoying your local neighborhood at this time. You can let go of the stress of being in charge of everything and having the whole world on your shoulders. Take a load off. You’ve done it. 

Jupiter enters Taurus on the 17th and supports Saturn, your ruler, by sextile. It’s a nice time to reinvent yourself through a new hobby and indulge in your creativity. Jupiter will be expanding and providing luck and wisdom to the romance, creation and procreation part of your chart for the next year. You’ll find that it’s easy to make slow and steady progress in romance and creative pursuits. Enjoy the less serious side of life for a while. 

The eclipse in your eleventh house on the 6th is likely to bring up an ongoing friendship saga and close the last few months of murky toxicity in this area. This is a final culmination and after this passes, your hopes and wishes for the future, as well as your friendship circle may feel clearer and take on a new shine. 

There’s a nice trine between Saturn and Venus on the 13th, which may help solidify things in your 1:1 partnerships. This brings a reward for past hard work and discipline. Things do get better with time, dont they? Especially when you’re ruled by Saturn.


Things are changing dramatically beneath the surface for you. While these changes may not be completely visible yet, below the surface you’re experiencing the start of a potent activiation. There is a sensitive degree at the start of Aquarius that was the site of the great conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter back in 2020. Now Pluto is reactivating those degrees. Aquarian placements, especially those early in the sign, have a major role to play in this new future we’re in the process of creating. 

You have an eclipse in your tenth house of career and public image on the 6th. This may be a challenging and potentially confusing time but it will make sense in retrospect. Jupiter eases the tension once he enters your fourth house of private emotions and home life on the 17th. This will provide some long-term motivation and support from this area. There are lots of potential gains to be had, and you should feel especially buoyant and self motivated over the next year with Jupiter here. This ingress will also benefit your planetary ruler, Saturn, currently in your second house, restructuring your financial sector. 

You can find solutions this month through working on your health and daily routines after Venus enters Cancer on the 8th. Venus rules almost all the astrological action this month, so there is a lot of potential here for improving almost every issue you’re dealing with this way. There’s a lot of change coming. Make sure you’re ready for it.


This is a very important stage of self-creation for you, and you’re probably already aware of this. You’re making your fantasy a reality with Saturn and Neptune crossing your first house currently. This brings with it growing pains, as it’s a formative time. Remember that the pressures you’re currently facing are helping you become the person you’ve always wanted to be. 

Jupiter, your ruler, enters Taurus on the 17th which will be nice for you. This is where he’ll stay for over a year so enjoy some steady abundance at this time. You may be honing a new skillset, or finding a lot of pleasure in your local community or relationship with your siblings. 

The lunar eclipse in your ninth house on the 6th may bring up issues related to foreign travel or study. This is a potentially challenging couple of days, but the best thing you can do is keep going. It gets better. Venus will enter your fifth house on the 8th and you’ll be enjoying some romance, or indulging in some hobbies or creative pursuits then. 

Jupiter is involved in a big T-square with Pluto and Mars between the 21st through the 23rd, but you’ll feel it in the leadup to this ahead of time. This may feel compelling and risky. It’s a lot of energy all at once to deal with so brace for potential drama later on this month. Watch your back as this T-square involves the houses of your chart that have to do with enemies. Do you know who yours are?


Mars, your ruling planet is in fall most of the month in Cancer, your fourth house. This emo, defensive phase will likely resolve with his ingress into Leo on the 21st. Just a little bit longer.

You have an eclipse in your eighth house on the 6th. This may bring up issues around shared resources, taxes, inheritance, or sexuality. This is a particularly icky eclipse that will look a lot better on the other side. 

There’s a lot of action in your second house of finances and possessions this month. The revisions to this area that Mercury retrograde has made necessary will likely find resolution by mid-month. It’s not all bad, especially after Jupiter’s ingress on the 17th. This will bring the next phase of potential financial growth and abundance for you. Slow and steady wins the race, though neither of those things are normally in an Aries’ vocabulary. This transit lasts a whole year and will likely be great for your self esteem. Enjoy! 

Mars is involved in a big T-square with Jupiter and Pluto from the 21st-23rd, which may be exciting. The areas of your chart that are involved in this are your financial sectors and the area that relates to your hobbies and creative persuits. If you’re planning on taking a calculated risk at this time it might just pay off….maybe. 



Image via: @benshen.co

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