- lslastrology@gmail.com
- +61 457 577 659
October is the month in which everything changes. This is the month of completion. Of necessary endings and separations.
We’re in Libra season. This is the first Libra season since the recent ingress of the nodal axis into Libra and Aries. This means that this month we will experience the first solar eclipse in Libra in this eclipse series. On the 29th we also get the last eclipse in the Taurus Scorpio series that started back in 2021.
The south node is like the astrological drainpipe. It’s the karmic exit mechanism for things that no longer serve us. Things we should let go. This is the part of the axis that is currently in Libra. Consider this a time to revise the things in your life that are preventing you from achieving balance. Are you trying too hard? Try loosening your grip. Eclipses have a way of forcing things into their natural place.
Libra is the sign of relationships and balance. Given the amount of action involving Pluto and Mars this month, it’s likely that both are going to be tested. This month Mars is in full focus. Mars separates. That’s his function. Sometimes separation is necessary and healthy. Sometimes it hurts and we’d rather we didn’t have to experience it.
Mars squares Pluto on the 9th. The Sun and Mercury follow suit on the 20th and 21st, just as Mercury forms his superior conjunction with the Sun. This cazemi is likely to bring with it some painful and profoundly transformative insights, especially for those of us with Mercury-dominant charts. Pluto always brings power dynamics into play. The thing about power dynamics is that most of the time they’re invisible. They are present but invisible. This month we’ll be wrestling with these, perhaps realizing a bit of our own power at the same time.
Not only are we entering eclipse season this month, but both Venus and Mercury exit the signs of their recent retrogrades. There’s an opposition between Venus and Saturn on the 10th, shortly after her ingress into the sign of her fall, Virgo. This opposition will bring with it the natural culmination of the retrograde for many. Venus in Virgo is honest to a fault. Big decisions and big commitments are possible here. It will concretize anything that has come about as a result of our recent journey into the proverbial relationship underworld.
Mars enters his domicile, Scorpio on the 12th. Mars is moving very fast right now, pair that with the shift in dignity he receives with this ingress, and it’s not hard to appreciate why he is the most potent player in the sky right now. He also opposes the lunar eclipse in Taurus by sign on the 29th. Hence the aforementioned point about separation.
Mercury completes another leg of the conversation he started with Jupiter during his recent retrograde with an opposition on the 29th during the Taurus lunar eclipse. Mercury and Mars are conjunct at this time. What were you going back and forth on during August and September? At this eclipse, it’s crunch time. Be careful how you deliver any news at this time. The messenger may just get shot.
The good news is that we’re nearly on the other side of the harshest astrology of the year, or at least we will be by the end of this undeniably tumultuous month.
As usual, read from your rising sign or sect light.
All dates are in AEST.
This is the month. This is the month you just let go and let god. There is no point trying to force anything right now, so give up. You just have to trust that in a few weeks time, it’ll all be in its rightful place.
You have a major chapter closing this month. A door closing in your personal life, something that involves your very personhood or self-image. This means a new start. A clean slate. Just go with it. Reinvention is necessary right now. Imagine pouring all the parts of yourself you want to let go of down the drain.
Your ruling planet, Venus, is working in tow with Mercury right now in mutual reception to help resolve some of the issues you have been dealing with these past few months. The issues have been largely to do with your mental health and ambitions for the future. Things are coming together now, you just have to let the parts that aren’t meant to be part of your future fall away.
The 22nd provides a nice rest point mid-month for some pampering, and you get to enjoy a spicy trine from Uranus on the 31st which should re-invigorate your lust for life for the month to come.
While you’ll likely spend the first half of the month wrestling with the parts of yourself that tend towards self-sabotage and self-undoing, the rest of the month things are looking up for you. Mars squares Pluto in Capricorn on the 9th which puts you face to face with the crux of a longer-term issue, a power dynamic you’ve been well aware of for a long time. You need to make a choice or a change here regarding this. Sometimes the only winning move is not to play.
Mars trines Saturn on the 13th. Now you’re back in full force. Mars is in its home sign and charging forward toward a certain victory.
Towards the end of the month, Mars faces off with Jupiter in Taurus during the eclipse and conjoins Mercury shortly thereafter. This last eclipse on the 29th is asking you to make peace with your relationships. You have a tendency to obsess and self-sabotage. There’s the chance of an olive branch and constructively making peace here, but it could easily go the other way if you aren’t deliberate with your communication. This is the final eclipse across your relationship axis for nine years. You won’t be the same after.
The 22nd of the month will be a lovely day for you, and some much-needed respite from the harsher conditions this month is likely to bring.
Your ruling planet, Jupiter, gets to hang out with Venus and the Moon on this date. A grand earth trine offering you peace and stability. Try to do something physically indulgent on this day to maximize the restorative rest.
The first eclipse of the month takes place in your eleventh house. This is the part of your chart that represents your gains, as well as your social sphere and hopes and wishes for the future. You’ll need to close a door here, but it’ll be for the best in time.
Jupiter is also pretty closely involved with this Taurus lunar eclipse on the 29th. He faces off with Mars and Mercury in Scorpio. This eclipse is resetting your mental and physical health for the next several years. You may feel like your own worst critic on this day, so try to go easy on yourself. This is the last eclipse here for many years. You’ve made it and it’s onwards and upwards from here.
Your career and home life are in major focus during the first half of the month, which may be slightly chaotic. In the first parts of the month, you’ll be wrapping up some old tasks and separating yourself from certain old paradigms around the way you show up in your public and career life. This is where our first eclipse takes place this month on the 15th, and you’ll need to let go of a few old pieces. Consider rolling with it and intentionally showing up as your best self in your public and career life this month. It can only work in your favor.
Saturn trines Mars and The Sun this month, so even though you’re revising things right now and the way forward may not be especially clear, you have some major support from some important players.
The lunar eclipse on the 29th in your fifth house completes an eclipse series that has defined the past two years. This one is likely to go out with a bang and your romantic, creative, or procreative life won’t be the same after. What changes have happened here over the past two years? We’re about to see the final act.
You may have some unexpected windfalls or wins this month as your ruling planet, Saturn, which is currently in your second house of money and values, receives trines from both The Sun and Mars.
There are eclipses this month in your ninth house, Libra, and your fourth house, Taurus.
You may see the necessary wrapping up and dissolution of some previously held beliefs or travel plans around the 15th, and some major development around your home and living situation or family on the 29th. The first one will likely feel a lot more constructive, whilst the second will likely be a bit more jarring and exhausting as it’s squaring your sign.
Try to take it easy this month as some deeper mental health or private issues are in the process of resolving. You’re on your way to an immense shift in personal power which will kick off next year. You need to do some personal work before you’re ready to claim that. Lean into that this month.
How does it feel to be under Saturn’s thumb? I suspect you’re getting the hang of it by now. Perhaps learning a thing or two about boundaries. Necessary lessons.
Saturn opposes Venus in your seventh house of relationships on the 10th. This opposition is really the culmination of Venus’ recent retrograde and it’s asking us to concretize the lessons we learned about love and values during the last couple of months. This one is especially personal for you as the opposition takes place across your major chart angles. Perhaps you are committing to a person, business, or personal value at this time.
Jupiter enjoys a lovely grand trine with Venus and The Moon on the 22nd. Try to pencil in some nice self-care on this day to really maximize the physical restoration benefits.
This month Jupiter, your ruling planet, is heavily involved in an eclipse. The lunar eclipse in Taurus on the 29th. This is your third house. This is the place in your chart that regulates your communication. Try to do some journalling rather than debating on this day as Mars and Mercury are opposing Jupiter from Scorpio. Just get the words out in the safest way. It doesn’t mean anyone ever needs to see or read them. Mars and Mercury together can bring cutting and offensive communications, things that we wish we hadn’t said. It’s best to avoid these dynamics if possible during this eclipse.
This month you’ll likely be feeling pretty gassed up, high on your own supply, or something like that. Mars is full steam ahead at this point and enters his own sign, Scorpio on the 12th.
You’ve got a pretty exhausting eclipse in your seventh house on the 15th. This is all about your 1:1 relationships. It may not even be you who experiences the brunt of this one, it may be a partner. All things considered, there are a few things you may need to let go of or shed with regard to the way you have been relating to your nearest and dearest. This eclipse will let you do that.
Mars is heavily involved in the next eclipse too, this one is in your second house of personal finances on the 29th. There may be some necessary spendy stuff around this date, but it can’t be avoided. This is the final piece of a two-year-long chapter about your personal and shared finances and values. It will pass, and you can’t fight it so you might as well try to enjoy it and stay positive. Jupiter remains in your second house bolstering your personal assets for many months to come. You’ll be just fine.
This is going to be a big month.
Finally, your ruling planet is out of her retrograde phase. She departs Leo and enters the sign of her fall, Virgo, on the 9th. Shortly thereafter she opposes Saturn. It’s a big month of big decisions and big consequences.
While the solar eclipse in your sixth house might not be too disruptive – maybe you’re just closing down some mundane work projects or changing some less-than-ideal health habits. The lunar eclipse on the 29th will be the opposite. This one is all about you, and it’s a biggie.
You’ve had to work hard to reinvent yourself and the way you relate in your 1:1 relationships over the past two years, and this lunation brings the final act of this sequence. Don’t fight it, this is a necessary, but possibly uncomfortable change that brings with it a separation of sorts.
There’s some respite in the form of a grand earth trine between the benefics and the Moon on the 22nd, try to take some time out for some indulgence on this day – you deserve it.
You’ve got quite a busy month ahead. The good news is, that you manage to dodge most of the eclipse drama.
There’s a pretty intense moment for you on the 20th/21st when Mercury joins the sun in his superior cazemi following his recent retrograde. This one is square Pluto and you get the opportunity to experience some profound and transformative insight at this time. Try to take some time out to reflect on the 20th and you may just be pleasantly surprised.
The first eclipse of the month takes place in your fifth house, and you’re likely wrapping up some creative, procreative, or romantic project or longer-term task around this time. It might be a little bittersweet, but you need to make room for even bigger and better things in this area. They’re coming.
The second eclipse involves your ruling planet, conjunct Mars, opposing Jupiter. The last few days of the month might feel quite intense but try to appreciate that it’s sometimes got to hurt to heal. This eclipse is the final one across your mental and physical health axis, so just ride it out, baby.
Probably a good month to just hibernate eh? Unfortunately, I don’t think many of you have that luxury.
The Moon is very busy this month. As she invariably is during eclipse seasons. This month will likely prove to be exhausting. The 21st/22nd provide a really nice opportunity for a little rest and relaxation and she passes Capricorn and shares trines with Venus and Jupiter across the earth signs. Try to take some time out here.
The first lunation, a solar eclipse on the 15th, takes place in your fourth house and involves topics around your home, family, or private emotional life. This would be a great time for either an emotional or physical purge of old objects from around your home. Throw it out. You’re new now.
The second, a lunar eclipse in Taurus on the 29th, involves your friends and hopes and wishes for the future. This one may see you making some necessary sacrifices or goodbyes to things that are impeding your ability to progress and make gains. Harsh communications may come around this date. This has been a long time coming. It’ll be easier if you just let it go and don’t force it.
Venus finishes her long journey through your sign on the 9th of the month. The show is finally over. How are you enjoying your new and reinvented self?
This month your ruler, The Sun, is involved in some major activations. You’ll probably be feeling it. Take all the time you need to indulge in restorative rest and preserve your best self.
The 15th brings our annual solar eclipse in Libra. This is in your third house. You may feel a little overshadowed or invisible on this date, so use it as a time to purge anything thats not serving you in your daily mundane life. Out with the old is the best way through this one.
Mercury overtakes The Sun on the 20th, which precedes a square with Pluto on the 21st. You’re having to face off with and reconcile a long-established power dynamic. It might be an icky day. You may have to make a choice here. Make the choice to take your power back.
The final eclipse of the month closes a two-year chapter in your career and public life. This one opens the door for some brilliant opportunities in the months to come. It may bring some unpleasant conversations, and it pays to take the high road.
While you may manage to steer pretty clear of much of the astrological drama this month, this is still going to be a busy one.
Finally departing your first house on the 5th, Mercury enters your second house and your focus shifts drastically onto money and values. There is an eclipse here on the 15th which may prove to be a bit draining with regard to these matters. You can rest assured it’s clearing space for better things.
Mercury makes his superior cazemi with The Sun on the 20th. This wraps up the topics of his recent retrograde and also coincides with a gnarly square from Pluto in Capricorn, providing a reminder of uncomfortable power dynamics that you’d rather remain oblivious to. This may force you to make a decision, but you’ve done a lot of personal reflection recently and are ready to make the best one. Make the choice to preserve your own power and not give it away unnecessarily.
Now traveling very fast, Mercury enters Scorpio on the 22nd and is involved pretty heavily in the final eclipse of the month on the 29th. This one he conjoins Mars and opposes Jupiter for. It’d pay not to say anything you can’t take back at this time. Maybe try to remove yourself from any tumultuous communications as much as possible. They likely won’t go well. Providing that you’re adept at walking a tightrope, you’ll be just fine.
Image via: @hidden.ny