

November 23, 2022

How good it feels to finally be on the other side of eclipse season and settling into our new skins, our new selves. No one is ever the same on the other side of any eclipse series, let alone an eclipse series as tumultuous as the one we’ve just made it out of. 

As a treat, this New Moon is ruled by Jupiter, at home in his watery domicile, Pisces, and receiving an out-of-sign trine from the Sun and Moon. Jupiter stations direct shortly after the New Moon, meaning the influence of the jovial giant is especially emphasized during this lunation. This is a nice note to end a period of unavoidable stress on, it was a Scorpio season a little more dramatic than some of us would have liked. 

Neptune is close to Jupiter during the full Moon, lending its usual tone of foggy delirium which may feel especially enjoyable and bring on the need for a bit of healthy escapism. Venus and Mercury are separating from their recent conjunction in Sagittarius, which for a brief moment lent some kindness to the martial undertone we’re dealing with – the Mars retrograde in Gemini, our unfortunate current astrological circumstance which loosely opposes this otherwise peaceful lunation, reminding us of the elephant in all of our rooms – that inescapable and frustrating situation that simply won’t be fixed anytime soon.

Sagittarius season this year will see the Moon, then Mercury, then Venus, then the Sun all oppose retrograde Mars, which allows us to get some distance and perspective on the situation, but brings a bit of drama as we are at some sort of tipping point. Expect to see this all culminate when the Moon reaches Mars in Gemini for the annual Gemini Full Moon in December. 

If Aries is a spark and Leo is a blaze, then Sagittarius is the embers. Embers radiate a much more consistent form of heat than does a fire. With a bit of wind and some fuel, they are a force to be reckoned with. Without these things wood becomes ash, and the carbon is recycled into one form or another. The lesson of Sagittarius is to get lost in the wonder of it all and to look above to see the potential and truth. Will you rekindle your flame and burn brightly again, or transmute into a new form? It’s up to you to let yourself be inspired. Luckily Jupiter is at the helm for the coming month, ready to add some buoyancy and wonder back into the equation. Dream big.


Chart via: Chart via Astrogold software, set for Melbourne, Australia

Image via: @unreliable.narrators


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