

August 31, 2024

Virgo season is always a month of transition. A month of prepping the soil and pruning the dead branches for the bloom of Libra season and springtime (in the southern hemisphere). We have Mercury in Virgo and Venus in Libra for much of the month, which should increase productivity and social harmony. 

The vibe dramatically improves this month with retrograde chaos nearly over – Mercury completes his third and final square with Uranus on the 7th and is out of his shadow period by the 12th. The Deja Vu will likely come to a welcome end, and we’ll have fewer unwelcome surprises and their accompanying anxiety. We’re not done with the weird blurry communication stuff quite yet though, as Mercury opposes Neptune on the 25th, which is a time to watch out for deception, whether intentional or accidental. 

At the start of the month, Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn for the final time. While we’re more likely to see the impacts of this at a societal level rather than in our individual lives, we may have some ghosts from the past pop up. By ghosts I mean triggers, shames, or shadows we thought we’d put to bed months ago. This is the final chapter of Pluto in Capricorn that we’ll experience in our lifetime – There’s a proverb that fits this transit perfectly: “A snake hisses loudest before it dies.” Prepare for the death rattle of archaic systems that are better off in the grave. What parts of society are we seeing crumble? Pay attention over the next few months – by mid-November we’re done here. 

Eclipse season starts this month, with our first partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on the 18th. The nodal axis won’t move onto the Pisces Virgo axis until January next year, but who doesn’t love a preview? This lunation is applying to a conjunction with Neptune, so it’ll inform us of the flavour 2025 which has a very Neptunian vibe – see July’s writeup on that. Mercury is tightly opposing Saturn during this eclipse, so this could feel particularly heavy or sombre in addition to the deceptive, blurry Neptunian element. 

There are lots of planetary movements this month. Mars enters Cancer on the 5th, where he’ll have an extended stay from January until April next year due to his upcoming retrograde. Mars is in his fall in Cancer, it’s a pretty moody, broody, place for him to be. Mars in Cancer is a great defender of the vulnerable. It’s mama bear energy. It’s the kind of transit that doesn’t make you want to head out and fight on a battlefield or any of the normal masculine domains where Mars excels, but instead to defend and protect those emotional ties you deem worthy, and sometimes this is at your detriment as the expression can be passive-aggressive, or too hot and heavy to the point of being entirely unproductive. If you were defending the most vulnerable, precious thing imaginable, would you fight fair? 

There’s a very fated piece of action necessary from each of us during this transit that culminates mid-month when Mars passes through the bending of the nodes, which are still in Aries and Libra. 

As yourself: 

  • What action forwards is necessary for my personal story, but might come at the loss of social harmony?
  • What deep emotional needs are behind my drive to self-actualisation, or my need to go it alone? Which of these needs is not being served by social diplomacy?
  • What do I care about to deeply or instinctually know I need to protect that is worth the messiness of discordance?


Mercury is back in Virgo and speeding up by the day by the 9th, The Sun enters Libra on the 22nd aka the Spring equinox (in the Southern Hemisphere), Venus enters the sign of her detriment, Scorpio, on the 23rd, and Mercury shifts into Libra on the 26th. 

While this month is not as brutal as last month, eclipses invariably bring their own brand of strangeness. These lunations bookend major chapters in our lives. Proverbial and literal births and deaths are rarely easy transitions. After the Pisces eclipse on the 18th, we’re between eclipses in a special kind of liminal space where things don’t make complete sense. Just stick to your course, it’ll all be perfectly logical in retrospect. 

All dates and times are in AEDT

Read from your rising sign or sect light:


This could be a nice month for you. Now that you’ve finished with your recent personal reflection and reinvention journey and been more honest with yourself about some of your self-sabotaging tendencies, you’re ready to move into the future, fresh and new. 

Venus is in your second house of finances and possessions most of the month which should give you a much-needed boost in those areas. You may see some pleasant financial or other material gains this month. 

The final square between Mercury and Uranus on the 7th might provoke a bit of anxiety or come with some out-of-the-blue news. This is something you’ve been dealing with for the past couple of months, so you should be a bit more equipped to handle it this time. 

There’s a New Moon in your sign on the 3rd which functions as a personal reset button. However, the first aspect the Moon makes after she meets The Sun is a tense opposition with Saturn. The promise of this reset comes with hard work, and maybe some ‘no’s’ before you get the ‘yes’ that you’re after. Virgo is nothing if not a hard worker though, so you’ll probably come out on top. 

The month improves drastically for you after the 9th when Mercury moves into your sign which happens to be his favourite place in the zodiac. Even better after the 12th when he’s out of his retrograde shadow. You’ll be feeling like yourself, empowered and potent for most of the rest of the month. Exceptions to this might be the 18th when Mercury opposes Saturn and faces more of that hard work, consequences, or boundaries. The 30th may also be challenging when Mercury meets the South Node and you might feel like disappearing. 

There’s a partial Lunar Eclipse in your house of relationships on the 18th signalling a major new chapter beginning over the next two years. Watch this space. 


How good does it feel to be on the other side of August? Things are looking up for you in a big way now that Venus is home in your sign for a few weeks. You’ll be feeling extra magnetic, others might even be drawn to your charms and a new relationship might blossom.

Mercury transiting your twelfth house from the 9th to the 26th of the month is like your own personal therapist, you’re going to be much more capable of understanding your psyche and putting words to any mental or spiritual afflictions that have set you back. This provides a huge opportunity to mentally upgrade and get on the right track. 

The Sun is also here in your twelfth house, so even though things are looking up don’t be surprised if you’re called to retreat for the first few weeks of the month. Meditation, journaling, or therapy would be productive outlets now. 

Venus trines Jupiter on the 15th which is a lovely aspect, and one that you should be able to fully appreciate. Opportunities for foreign travel or study might present themselves around this time. This may be good news, or you might just have a much shiner worldview during this time. 

There is a tense square between Venus and Pluto on the 23rd. Now that Pluto is back in Capricorn, this could feel like something from the past coming back to emotionally trigger you, or remind you of old shames. This could be a situation around your home or your parents. You know how to get through this, you’ve done it before. 


Mars moves into Cancer, your ninth house, on the 5th of this month. This is the start of a very drawn-out period of focus in this area for you that will last until April next year. Topics such as long-distance travel, study, politics, or publishing might be especially relevant during this time. You might reevaluate your worldview between December and February. 

You’ll likely find yourself with less ‘oomph’ during this period, or less in control of your energy. Mars in Cancer is like adding a hot iron to water. It produces a lot of steam and that steam can be unpredictable or even cause unintended burns. It might be a time when you’re drawn more inward and focused on protecting the vulnerable parts of yourself and others rather than external combat or pursuits. The 16th should give you some insight into what action is required of you during this transit. 

The Pisces lunar eclipse on the 18th falls in your fifth house of romance, children, and creativity, signalling a new chapter opening in these parts of your life over the next two years. Keep an eye out on this date for clues as to what that might hold, though these things are often easier to discern in retrospect. 

You’ve got your friendships and hopes for the future in major focus this month. It’s a nice time to lean into these areas of your life and plenty to enjoy therein, though some conflict or hurdles may arise in these areas around the 8th or the 18th due to Saturn’s involvement.  

The month ends with a trine between Mars and Saturn. This is a great opportunity to get your longer-term projects underway. Saturn is providing you with extra discipline and fortitude during these few days, it’s use it or lose it.


Mars moves out of your seventh house of relationships and out of aspect with your ruler, Jupiter, on the 5th. This is a welcome change. You might find that some of last month’s uncomfortable tension starts to dissipate around this time. 

You’re going to need to take some action this month around relationships as they pertain to your legacy, public image or career. This should peak on the 12th and 21st as Jupiter squares off with The Sun and Mercury. Some changes are required if you are to realise your dreams, so speak now or forever hold your peace. 

The Pisces lunar eclipse on the 18th falls in your fourth house. This part of your chart represents your home and living situation, parents, and private emotional issues. These are the parts of your life that have been under heavy reconstruction by Saturn since 2023. This eclipse signals the start of a new chapter for you. You might be considering your home and living situation around this time, and you’ll likely see some major changes in this area in the next couple of years. 

Venus is hanging out for most of the month in your eleventh house. This is a really nice transit for friendships, giving back to the community, or considering your future aspirations. Don’t let the intrusive thoughts on the 23rd hold you back, things are looking up for you. 


This month brings the return of an old and all too familiar feeling. Pluto is back in your sign from the 2nd and you’re suddenly back in the final throes of the personal transformation journey that’s taken up the last sixteen years of your life. You are on the precipice of a brand-new life. Don’t let the darkness suck you back in. 

Mars enters your seventh house on the 5th. This is a preview of the first quarter of 2025 when he’ll enjoy an extended stay in this part of your chart. You might find extra drive, heat, spice, or conflict in your relationships during this time. You may be cutting ties with personal 1:1 relationships that no longer serve you, or find that enemies resurface, more irritating than ever. Either way, you’re going to have plenty of time to consider and reconsider this stuff due to Mars’ upcoming retrograde here. Mars trines your ruler, Saturn at the end of the month, so you’ll get a nice handle on this longer term vibe around then. 

Venus is in your tenth house most of the month. That’s great news for your career, legacy, or public image. Lean into these areas during September as there are plenty of blessings promised here. 

There’s a lunar eclipse in your third house on the 18th. This signals the start of a new chapter over the next two years. You’re going to need to learn some new skills, these might be around communication, transit, or just basic life skills that were previously unnecessary. Siblings also may be relevant here as they’re also a third house topic. 

Either way, a far less busy, chaotic month than the last. Hopefully you’re able to enjoy it.


Venus will be in your ninth house, Libra, this month. With Mercury fresh out of retrograde this would be a nice time for some travel if that’s within reach for you. Otherwise, study, politics, or publishing look promising for you this month. You might just be looking at the world with a much more optimistic eye. 

There’s a lot of emphasis on your eighth house this month. This is the part of your chart that represents death, sexuality, and shared assets i.e. your partner’s finances, or things like inheritance. The Sun and Mercury will be transiting this part of your chart for most of September, which sheds some productive light into these areas of your life. Mercury loves being in Virgo, so some constructive progress is possible here, though there may be some hurdles that arise around the 8th or the 18th.

Mars moves out of your fifth house and into your sixth on the 5th. This signals the start of a momentous period in your work life and daily routines. It’s a nice time to kick off a new wellness or workout routine, and you’ll have plenty of time to perfect it as this influence will remain in play until April next year. It’s not all good news though, you may find that conflict with coworkers or extra annoyance in the workplace ramps up during this time. 

There’s a new chapter starting for you in terms of your financial situation, or belongings. This will unfold over the next couple of years as the eclipses bounce back and forth across your financial axis, but you can get some insight as to what this may hold for you around the Pisces lunar eclipse this month on the 18th. You’ll be in a completely different financial position after this eclipse series, so embrace whatever changes come your way. These need to happen. 

The month ends with a trine between Saturn, your ruler, and Mars. This should give you a nice energetic boost and help you make some progress with longer-term financial or work-related projects. 


This month brings the opening of a major new chapter for you that will unfold more over the next two years. That’s because the first eclipse in your first house in the Pisces Virgo series takes place on the 18th. This is the start of an entirely new phase in terms of how you show up in the world and partake in long-term relationships. It will likely signal the beginning of long-term significant relationships for many of you. 

There’s a really nice trine between Jupiter, your ruler, and Venus on the 15th. This exchange takes place across your fourth and eighth houses, so you’ll likely find that this does some nice things for your emotional health, and maybe also achieve some progress around home or family matters, or issues around death or your partner’s assets. It may be good news or just a general feeling of harmony and productivity. 

You’ll need to take action this month around some relationship matters. These actions will likely be around the 12th and the 21st. Perhaps you’re putting yourself out there in this arena, or perhaps you are making your feelings clear. Either way, these actions are necessary and compulsory for progress, even though they may feel daunting at the time. Mars will be hanging out in your romance and creativity sector for the first few months of next year, so you’ve certainly got more drive and energy to revise these areas of your life in the foreseeable future. 


The first few days of this month might feel blurry and surreal due to your ruling planet, Mars, squaring Neptune on the 3rd. Probably best not to make any important decisions around this date as the influence can be a little deluding. 

Mars moves into your fourth house on the 5th of this month where he’ll spend the first few months of next year due to his retrograde. Consider this a preview of topics you may revisit then. During this time you may find that you are less drawn to public pursuits and focused more on your home and family life. This may be a frustrating time, and you may feel less like your usual fiery, driven self. This is the season to go inward and figure out your deepest needs. You have some important action to take around the 16th that will be integral to this chapter for you. Consider what is necessary for your personal story, but might come at the loss of harmony in your relationships. You may need to advocate for yourself around this time. 

Your mental health and spirituality are undergoing a long-term restructuring right now and have been since 2023. This month kicks off a new phase in that restructuring. You’re learning how not to be your own worst enemy, and how to show up in the world more productively and authentically. You may receive some insights into what this might look like for you during the Pisces eclipse on the 18th, though this journey will continue for another two years. 


A pretty nice month ahead for you as your ruling planet Venus is in Libra, her airy domicile, almost all month. You’ll likely be feeling more diplomatic and content than last month, enjoying more harmony and indulgence, particularly in your work life and daily routines. 

The 15th brings a really nice vibe as Venus and Jupiter share a trine. This might mean good news for your finances, or you might get a shiny new toy to play with. Either way, it’ll probably be a nice day or two for you. If you’ve been wanting to go shopping or treat yourself to something now would be an especially rewarding time to do that. 

The 23rd might bring some icky reminders of a past shame or trigger that you had almost forgotten about. Venus squares Pluto on this date and you may need to take decisive action to mitigate the distress. Thankfully Venus moves into your relationship sector after this square, where she’ll be bringing some much-needed pleasantries to this area of your life for the next month or so. You might find your 1:1 relationships are more harmonious following this, or you may take a more casual relationship to the next level. 


Things are certainly looking up for you this month now that your ruling planet, Mercury, is moving forward and rapidly gaining momentum. You’ll be feeling even more on point after Mercury enters Virgo on the 9th. You might feel drawn to family or home-related matters for the rest of the month. Virgo is your fourth house and represents these areas of your life. 

Though the retrograde is over, the deja vu isn’t quite finished yet, and won’t be until around the 12th when Mercury exits the degrees in which the retrograde took place. We’ve still got another square with Uranus to contend with which takes place on the 7th. You may find this day is especially anxiety-provoking or brings some unexpected curveballs. You’re a veteran at dealing with this energy now though, so you should come out on top. 

A new chapter in your career or public life kicks off this month with the Pisces lunar eclipse on the 18th. Expect this to unfold more over the next two years. Eclipses bring big endings and big beginnings, so trust that whatever change happens during this time is for your highest good. 

The 21st brings the need for some decisive action in your personal growth journey. This could be related to your relationship, housing or family situation. Mercury squares Jupiter on this date and should yield generally positive results due to the players involved. 

There are a few hairy days at the end of the month to be aware of. Mercury opposes Neptune on the 25th, which can be a deceptive, delusional, or just plain confusing influence. Mercury also meets the south node on the 30th, after entering Libra. This influence can feel a little like you’ve lost yourself or gone down the proverbial drain for a day or two. Don’t sweat it, it’ll be over before you know it. 


Quite an interesting month ahead for you. Not only is it the start of eclipse season, but Mars enters your sign on the 5th where he’ll spend the first few months of 2025. You’ll likely be feeling all fired up, impassioned, emboldened and ready to fight for what you believe in over the coming months. Taking up a new exercise routine or physical pursuit to mitigate this energy would be advisable. Consider this transit a preview of topics that may be up for revision during Mars’ upcoming retrograde.

Venus is happy in your fourth house, bringing you some emotional buoyancy most of the month. You may even use this transit to beautify your living space. Venus enters your fifth house on the 23rd and she’ll be blessing your romantic, creative and reproductive life for the next month or so. 

The New Moon on the 3rd falls in your third house. You may set some goals around this time around learning a new skill or undertaking a communication project. This may also have to do with siblings as they are also a third house topic. The New Moon opposes Saturn after perfecting, so whatever new endeavour begins around this time may require hard work and dedication, you may get a ‘no’ before a ‘yes’ is possible, or you might need to be a little more realistic with your worldview moving forward. 

The Pisces lunar eclipse on the 18th is in your ninth house. This is the start of a new chapter and the end of an old one around studies, long-distance travel, politics or religion. Whatever starts to unfold around this date will continue to develop over the coming years. You may get some potent insights into what next year holds for you. 

Pluto will re-enter your seventh house, Capricorn, for the final throes on the 2nd. This may bring back some old fears or shame around relationships that you had pleasantly forgotten. You’ve only got a couple of months to go and it’s nothing you haven’t dealt with before. You’ve got this. 


Your focus this month might be centred around your finances or belongings. A potential issue in this area arises on the 8th as The Sun opposes Saturn in your eighth house. This could be a roadblock or hurdle regarding some shared assets, inheritance, or tax. You should be able to figure this out, but some action is required of you around the 12th to ensure a productive outcome. 

There’s an eclipse in your eighth house on the 18th. This is the start of a new chapter, and the end of an old one with regard to finances, specifically those you share with a partner or achieve through sources that aren’t a salary. Don’t expect to see immediate results on this as it’s a long-term influence that will unfold over the next few years, but you may get some clues as to what this may hold for you in the second part of the month. 

Mars enters your twelfth house on the 5th. You may experience some upheaval and necessary revision between now and April next year around your mental health, solo pursuits like meditation or spirituality, or sleep. This transit can also make you prone to self-sabotage, so try to take accountability and not be your own worst enemy during this time. Therapy or something in that realm may be a good option for you now. 

Some old workplace power struggles may resurface over the next couple of months. Pluto enters your sixth house once again for the final time. This is the last phase of a sixteen-year chapter of restructuring this part of your life, so just try to relax and let the necessary decay happen to fertilise new growth for the next chapter here. 



image via: @gaia_files


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