

July 31, 2024

Lights, Camera, Action!

August is characterised by squares. Squares are a 90-degree angle between planets in transit, this aspect has the nature of Mars. They provoke action and decision. 

August will be a month when we no longer get to sit things out. Every single visible planet is involved in at least one square this month, so no matter who your chart ruler or timelord is, you’re not exempt. 

The two most notable squares to me (as a totally unbiased Saturnian type) are the Mars Saturn square on the 16th, and the Jupiter Saturn square on the 20th. Because Mars and Jupiter are essentially conjunct through these, we can expect a blur of this Marsian Jupitarian energy. Gassed up Jupiter and Mars hit a wall. Action meets consequence. Spoiler alert: Saturn wins. Saturn always wins, but technically Saturn is in the superior position in this instance. 

Venus is also in the mix, opposing Saturn from her fall in Virgo, so for the most testy part of the month, we have a T square in play across the mutable signs. All the major tension this month is across the mutable axis. This is not the worst news. Mutable signs are just that – mutable. These signs are by their very nature adaptable, and ready to respond to change. So even though there is pressure here, these signs are flexible and dynamic enough to buffer it somewhat.

Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo on the 5th. The retrograde starts in Virgo, but most of it takes place in Leo. As passionate and courageous as Leo can be, it’s important to remember that this sign’s major motivation is to be seen and stay seen. To stay in the light at all costs. Mercury retrograde here may see us censoring ourselves or backtracking to stay popular, to stay with the ‘good crowd’, to display ‘right think’. This is never an advisable long-term strategy and comes at the cost of a genuine and authentic connection. 

This Mercury retrograde is significantly more tumultuous than usual given that almost the entire journey takes place square to Uranus. As I said earlier, squares provoke action. The kind of action Uranus provokes though, is jerky, sudden, and comes seemingly out of the blue. 

Mercury makes three exact squares with Uranus during the transit. July 22nd, August 18th (rx), and September 7th. As squares always are, this is a part of a longer developmental cycle between these two planets. This one began on May 31st, and we’ll see its consequence around the 31st of October. 

Sudden, upsetting and confusing communications are likely. This will be a month marked by high anxiety and jittery, nervous energy. The best advice I can give for this retrograde is to communicate and act in an honest and heartfelt way. To be yourself is all that you can do. 

Mercury makes his inferior conjunction with The Sun on the 19th. This cazemi will be a point of insight where we can get a clear handle on the greater significance of this transit, both collectively and individually. 

Mars meets Jupiter in Gemini on the 15th. Mars in Gemini is kind of like a Swiss army knife. There’s a plethora of pointy options, each as sharp as the last. Jupiter expands and emphasises this, so the stabby choices are seemingly endless. Gemini is the sign of communication. We can expect a great deal of scathing discourse, debate, and argument this month. Jupiter rules politics, and it wouldn’t be especially profound of me to say that we’ll see a lot of this stuff play out in that realm given current events. 

Remember back in 2020 when astrologers wouldn’t shut up about the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction and how significant that was? Dawn of a new era, earth-to-air triplicity and all that? Yeah. This month is the first pressure test. We have two squares between Saturn and Jupiter this year – the next one is on Christmas. It would be ill-advised to downplay the significance of this transit. We’re in the first years of a 200-year-long cycle. This new earth is a mere infant. Decisions that are made now around government, censorship, liberties, religion, rules, and all of the ‘bones’ that comprise our civilisation are in the balance. The thing about squares, about action, is there are always consequences. These consequences will come about at the opposition which will be in 2029. With Saturn and Neptune nearing their conjunction, deception and blurred boundaries are par for the course. It’s never been more important to be discerning. 

It’s very easy right now to get caught up in timelines that look nice and to forget all the things that are being concealed from you. It’s hard to know our blind spots. It’s even harder to discover them when there are agendas at play that are designed to keep you blind, to keep you entertained, to keep those fuzzy feelings flowing and rose-tinted glasses on. To keep you just distracted enough to not see what is slowly being taken from you.

These coming years will separate the wheat from the chaff. I’m guilty of always using such metaphors in Virgo season, but it’s truer than ever. Speaking of Virgo season, this starts on the 23rd of the month, right off the back of The Sun squaring Uranus, and the Saturn Jupiter square. 

Truth. That’s a good one to ponder this month. How do we know it? Is it through data and science? Is it prudent to even trust these things after certain recent global events? Science is now the religion of the layperson. I’d think it wiser to put my faith in something higher, something less manipulable. Something that can’t be altered and tweaked to suit narratives. Something that isn’t, at the end of the day, just a tool, a dowsing rod for the mechanics of nature. 

Is it wise to put faith in a tool? Or is faith something we should reserve for the truly divine? If we had a working mechanism for God, if we had the data and the citations, would everyone embrace him? When something simply exists, there is no real reason to explain it. No reason to debate the mechanism. It. Simply. Is. 

With Jupiter under pressure this month, it would be wise to remember that without hope, we’re nothing. Without faith, without God, without wonder and magic, without true reverence for nature, we’re lost. 

As usual

All dates and times are in AEDT

Read from your rising sign or sect light:


You’re probably feeling pretty charged up right now. Your ruling planet, The Sun, is at home in your sign. Be bold, be brave. Step into the spotlight you wait for all year – you deserve it!

There’s a new Moon in your sign on the 4th that enjoys some pleasant aspects from Mars and Jupiter. The positivity should build and peak around the 7th when the sextile between The Sun and Jupiter goes exact. You should be able to enjoy some exuberance and productive expansion early in the month. 

You may find that some startling, unexpected issue comes up in your career or public life around the 20th as The Sun squares Uranus. The middle of the month gets rocky. There’s some additional tension that bubbles over around that time involving your partnerships and friendships. This tension could involve shared assets or a clash in values. 

You had a dream in 2020 about your love life and partnerships. What was that? Here’s the first pressure test, here’s the first time you need to take decisive action to make that long-term dream a reality. You’re going to need to make some moves. You’re probably not feeling especially certain about which way is the right way forward, and that’s partially due to Mercury retrograde taking place across your first and second houses. Do you have the resources for your plans? This will likely be the main topic of contention or worry. 

You may receive some insights as to a possible solution on the 19th, pay attention then. This stuff is going to trickle over into next month, this month is really about getting your ducks in a row. Be pragmatic and honest, and make the changes you need to with the information you have. 


This month will require a lot of you. 

The Sun is transiting your twelfth house until the 23rd when you finally get some respite. This transit can be useful in illuminating some of your more self-sabotaging behaviours, personal roadblocks, or mental health challenges. It can also make you want to hermit. 

Your ruling planet, Mercury, stations retrograde on the 5th and will remain this way until the 29th. On the 15th, Mercury moves back into your twelfth house and resumes the jarring, anxiety-provoking activity he was up to in the last third of July. Consider how triggers can be useful, and how they promote growth or help you recognise your own shadow. The second square between Mercury and Uranus goes exact on the 18th. Uranus is in your ninth house, so the trigger or tension may come from politics, study, or long-distance travel. 

Mercury and The Sun meet up on the 19th, pay close attention on this date. You can expect some major downloads and key insights. This day has the potential to really show you where you shoot yourself in the foot or get in the way of your own progress and potential. 

We astrologers are guilty of attributing a lot of negativity to Uranus. Maybe we don’t like surprises. Uranus in a positive sense can provide flashes of genius and allow for a kind of liberation and personal rebellion so rare and unique that it can be unnerving. Let yourself be unnerved this month. Let yourself be liberated from your self-imposed perfectionism. This month is about facing yourself, the good, the bad, and the ugly. 


You’re figuring out a lot this month. There are lots of logistics and annoying life admin stuff that may throw you off guard. 

You’re in the middle of a longer-term transit of Saturn through your sixth house. Health, work, and daily routines are getting completely restructured for you, and these things bring a lot of growing pains. 

Venus, your ruler is currently transiting your eleventh house of friendships. She squares Uranus in your eighth house on the 2nd. Some unexpected and tricky issues may arise around shared assets or values. Newly retrograde Mercury links up with Venus on the 8th once both planets are in your twelfth house. Venus is in her fall in Virgo so you might feel quite vulnerable or socially distant at this time, the 8th should give you some insights to help you go back to the drawing board, and figure some of your baggage out. 

The major tension this month is between your sixth house, where Saturn currently lives, and your ninth house, where Jupiter and Mars will be causing mayhem. The rigidity in your work life, health or daily routines may be impacting your ability to travel or study. This could also be tension between your boss or workmates and political or philosophical issues. Either way, you’ll feel the gravity of this around the 19th when Venus opposes Saturn. 

You’ll have to be serious about what you want and how you get in your own way in August. Thankfully, Venus moves into your sign on the 29th, and things are looking up for you. It’s amazing how good you feel after you get to the other side of a challenge. Imagine the elation of homecoming at the end of a long journey. You have that to look forward to. 


You’re going to be expanded this month, particularly in terms of your connections with others. 

Mars is in Gemini conjunct Jupiter, and you’re being pulled in a lot of different directions, you may feel scattered and overwhelmed at times. Gemini is your eighth house, so themes around death or endings, inheritance, shared assets, and sexuality might be especially relevant for you in August. 

Mid month there’s a tense T-square. Saturn in your fifth house, and Venus in your eleventh house form angles with Mars and Jupiter. There’s likely going to be some tension and associated action between your commitment to recreation, romance and pleasure, and your friendships. This could be crunch time in a relationship, negotiating the details of finances or sex, or whether you share the same values.  You may be discussing your hopes and wishes for the future, and what finances are required for these. 

You’re working towards a deeper connection. To get there, there will be tough conversations, challenges, negotiations, and displays of uncomfortable vulnerability. 

The New Moon on the 4th is a favourable time to prepare and get aligned around how you’d like to appear publicly moving forward, or what you’d like to leave as your legacy. 


Boom! Suddenly your relationships are on fire. Mars joins Jupiter this month in your seventh house. You might experience some anger or turbulence with your nearest and dearest, or in a more productive manifestation, more drive to accelerate the relationship and invest in each other. If you were born at night it’s likely going to be easier for you. 

Because Jupiter is your ruling planet you’ll be feeling the tension this month more than most. Try to make sure you have time to wind down as much as you get wound up. In August you must negotiate some major life issues and take necessary action. This action is compulsory for your personal autonomy and ultimate happiness. Topics up for discussion include your living situation, career and relationship. Spicy conversations are imminent. You will need to make your feelings known and clear to avoid unnecessary drama. Expect things to come to a head during the week of the 18th -24th

There’s a nice New Moon on the 4th in your ninth house. Maybe you’re setting some goals around long-distance travel or study on this date. This New Moon has the support of both Mars and Jupiter, so it’s a great time to start planning or at least dreaming. 


There’s a lot of pressure on you this month. Not that you aren’t built for that. But either way, there’s a lot of inflammatory annoyance you’ve got to face. 

Prepare for a flare-up of chaotic action in your mundane daily routines, or health. This could be your work life or your workout life. Working out would be a great use of this energy if that’s an option for you, just try not to push yourself so far that you get injured.  

Your transit/travel axis gets pinged this month. Mercury spends a bit of time in your ninth house before retrograding back into your eighth house. Venus spends most of the month in your ninth, exactly opposing Saturn in your third on the 19th. You may experience roadblocks or frustrating hurdles around getting from A to B. Watch out for road rage or crazy traffic.

This Mercury retrograde might bring up issues for you around death, inheritance, and assets or finances you share with a partner. Sudden or unexpected events may kick off in these parts of your life around the 18th, continuing a theme that started in late July. 

Saturn squares off with Jupiter and Mars this month. Being ruled by Saturn, this is especially significant for you and part of a long-term development. Was there a financial goal, or an intention around values and self-esteem that you set back in 2020? Now you need to put some work in here. You are being called to invest in your mundane life, how you care for yourself and conduct yourself throughout the day. Good routines will take you to levels you never thought possible. You may need to slow down to speed up. 


Your relationships are in focus for most of the month, and it’s time to let your partner take the spotlight. 

August may bring some resource-related tensions. These tensions are related to your income and creative, romantic or recreational pursuits. You may also find that your values are clashing with others a bit more than usual. 

There’s a tense T-square happening between your second, fifth, and eighth house. This involves your ruling planet, Saturn. Thankfully, Saturn is in the most powerful position, so you’re likely to come out on top, but it will probably test your patience. 

Venus enters your eighth house on the 5th, and while this could bring a boost to your partner’s finances, it may highlight some insecurity or scarcity around your own financial situation. This is a great opportunity and a nice transit for deepening your bond, though you may need to be vulnerable for once. 

Consistent with the running theme, the lunations this month are in your first and seventh houses. You’re entering a new chapter in your relationships and how you show up in them. The Full Moon on the 20th looks a bit tense, and communication may be tense and confusing. Remember, time is your greatest resource. Take some for yourself and you should be fine. 


This month will test you, your patience, and your relationships. It’s a tough one, but you can handle it. 

Mars will join your ruling planet, Jupiter on the 15th, but this influence will be in effect all month. The heat, the frustrations, and even anger you’ve been experiencing lately will likely peak mid-month. 

Your health and daily routines are highlighted this month. It’s time to lean into exercise and health to mitigate stress. The New Moon on the 4th is a great time to kick off a new routine or wellness activity. Consider your ideal daily routine, how does that look and feel?

Don’t forget, you are experiencing a long-term Saturn transit across your first house at the moment. This time is meant to pressure test you, it’s meant to make you more resilient, it’s meant to teach you to slow down and work hard on your body, your mind, and your being. This transit will be in effect until early 2026. 

This month Saturn squares your ruler, it does this whilst Mars and Jupiter are together. This is the time for a major action in your personal fix-it journey. You’re putting yourself back together. This is the most worthwhile project you will ever work on. Trust the process. 

There’s a Full Moon in your twelfth house on the 20th. This will end a chapter in your mental or spiritual health journey. It’s time to release old baggage and move on. Enjoy the catharsis and let your old self go. 


This is a great month to sharpen your skills. If you’re a writer, speaker, or into any other form of communication this could be a useful month and you’re bound to have some breakthroughs. However, breakthroughs don’t come without necessary tension. 

This tension might involve your health, mundane work life, transit, or daily routines. It could also be related to moving or living abroad. August is an action-packed month for you, but an expansive one. Mars will spend the month with Jupiter, joining forces with the jolly giant on the 15th. There are likely going to be some major hurdles or roadblocks in the second third of the month, these may involve time restrictions, elders, or authority figures. It might feel very frustrating. 

Your fifth house is in focus this month. That’s the silver lining. This is the part of your chart that rules all the things you do for fun, including romance, play, recreation, and competition. There’s a nice reset in this area during the New Moon on the 4th. Maybe a new romance or hobby is on the cards for you. 

You’re working through some major developmental stuff in terms of your mental health or spirituality. This is a longer-term influence, but it’s going to be crunch time this month as Saturn in your twelfth house squares off with Mars and Jupiter in your third. Journaling or speaking to someone about this stuff would be an excellent investment of your time. Try not to get too ambitious though, best to focus on a few things that you can do well rather than too many things that you can only give a little of yourself to.


A weird and wacky start to the month as Venus, your ruler, squares Uranus on the 2nd. 

Mercury is retrograde in your fifth and fourth houses this month, so some creative or romantic project may have to be dialled back so you can focus on a more pressing situation in your home and living situation, or emotional life. 

Your fourth house is in focus this month, you may feel especially private or drawn to your home or parents. There’s a nice new moon here on the 4th that can serve as an emotional reset. Venus enters Virgo, the sign of her fall on the 5th, so for the rest of the month you might feel a bit vulnerable, or less drawn to social pleasures. 

The major tension in August is between your friendships or hopes for the future and your financial situation. Mars and Jupiter are creating a potential for blowout in your financial sector which peaks around the 15th. You may need to consciously dial back your spending and lean on a more conservative approach to curb potential issues. Either way, some of this can’t be helped. Venus joins the party from your fifth house and the week of the 18th – 24th is marked by a distinct tension between fun, play, and your finances or resources. You might not feel like you have as much to give as you would like, or you might even be dealing with tension from a cold or authoritative friend. There’s the possibility that you might overextend yourself financially this month, maybe as compensation for the aforementioned vulnerability or feeling ‘icky’. Perhaps think twice before treating yourself this month. 

You get some zany inspiration around the end of the month, and your creative and romantic life looks a little brighter by this time. Venus moves into Libra on the 29th, and things will almost certainly improve next month for you. 


Oooph. August is going to be quite a ride for you. Your ruling planet is in retrograde, plus Mars is in your first house and about to link up with Jupiter. It’s crunch time for you. 

There’s a major tension this month between you, your work and public life, and your home and living situation, parents or emotional life. All the critical factors necessary for stability are being tested, and I don’t think you’re likely to find much of it in August. Luckily, you’re a flexible, dynamic person who is adaptable enough to deal with this. 

The pressure in your career or public life is running the show this month. Unfortunately, that comes at the cost of a potential minor personal explosion in the second third of the month, though the energy is in play all August. 

Mercury doesn’t get much respite this month at all. August is marked by these sudden, jarring, tense events that will likely cause ricochets across all your major life areas. Things might make sense on the 19th when The Sun and Mercury cross paths.

Geminis are built for chaos. These times can be fun, wild and exciting. Even though it may feel challenging and busy at the moment, you’ll likely look back at this month as one of the most important this year. It’s important to figure this stuff out, especially the longer-term career influence of Saturn through your tenth house. This transit is clearing away a lot of unnecessary flotsam and jetsam, inviting you to step up and be more autonomous or even become an authority in your field. Good luck!


You get a nice financial reset during the New Moon on the 4th. This is a great time to write out some financial goals or set up a personal savings account. Venus is still co-present in your second house at the time of the lunation, so you get an added blessing from her. 

Both of the lunations this month are on your financial axis. You may see the culmination of some longer-term financial project come into fruition around the 20th during the Aquarius Full Moon, this one has to do with shared assets rather than your salary or wages, and it may be a bit unexpected or shocking. 

You’ve got some mental tensions coming to a head this month. These may be provoked by long-distance travel, politics, or study. Sleep may also be a bit of an issue. It’s important to try as much as possible to lean into relaxing practices and decompress amidst the chaos. 

Much of the tension this month is on your travel and transit axis. Saturn and Venus oppose each other here on the 19th, forming a T-square with Jupiter and Mars in Gemini in your twelfth house, who are responsible for the aforementioned mental stuff. It’s possibly not the best time to be on the road or heading off on a trip. These things sometimes can’t be avoided, and some of us thrive in confusion and chaos, so you do you. 

In addition to travel, the third and ninth house is also the axis of ideas. The ideas we personally write and communicate about, and ideas we share with the community, which we tend to call philosophies or politics. You may find yourself dwelling on ideas or ideologies more than usual, or even running into tensions between your thoughts and publicly accepted dogmas, or opinions of authority figures. 

It should be fine in the end though, next month is extremely chill…it’s the start of eclipse season. (Hopefully, my sarcasm isn’t lost here). 


My September books will open soon for natal chart consultations and more. Keep a look out on Instagram for updates.

Image via: @sophiepinet

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