


September 30, 2024

Libra season calls for diplomacy, moderation, and harmony. This is true under normal circumstances, but perhaps not when we have a south node Solar Eclipse in the sign and the ruler of the season, Venus, in her detriment. Instead, we get to reset the part of our lives that we’re usually all too ready to compromise in to appease others. Prepare for revelations and reinvention in whatever house in your chart Libra falls. 

The planetary conditions are just well, a bit shit at the moment and it’s hard not to feel a bit lost while in the no man’s land of eclipse season. The Sun, Venus, Mars and Jupiter are all in some of their least preferred places in the zodiac and this will continue for much of October. 

The first week of the month we’re still in the thick of an intense eclipse season. Stuck between worlds, stuck between our old life and our new one. One of the most potent lunations of the year takes place on the 3rd. An annular Solar eclipse in Libra. Mercury made his superior conjunction with The Sun a couple of days earlier so is still closely conjunct The Sun at the time of the eclipse. The logic and the words for this new beginning might illude us initially – we’re still very much figuring it all out. Don’t stress too much, it’ll make sense when it’s meant to. 

Both lunations this month square Mars in Cancer by sign. Mars will be back in Cancer during Aries season next year due to his retrograde. What this means is that this new beginning is largely informed by needing to take action to protect what’s precious to us. We have one last Aries eclipse at the end of March next year, so don’t be surprised if this timeline and themes that come up this month develop more around that time. 

Mars enters his shadow period on the 5th of October, so any of the Cancerian emotional turbulence we visit for the next few months will be up for revision over the upcoming Southern Hemisphere summer/Northern Hemisphere winter. Keep an eye on your defences – they’re in place for a reason. 

Jupiter stations retrograde in Gemini on the 9th, heading back towards his historic square with Saturn in Pisces which will go exact again around Christmas. We can expect an intensification of those Jupiterian Gemini themes through the middle of the month. Think expansive communication, multitasking extravaganzas, and all that jack-of-all-trades stuff we’ve been playing with for a while. The thing with having to do everything all at once is that sometimes we’re not as thorough as we need to be. The next few months bring an invitation to revise and rethink. 

The Sun squares Pluto in Capricorn for the last time in our lifetime on the 23rd. This might shine a light and bring consequences to some of the nefarious deeds of generational powers, corrupt institutions or systemic oppressions that were previously allowed to hide in the dark.

The 8th looks like a productive day. Venus makes a trine to Mars as Mercury makes a trine with Jupiter. If you’re looking to get something social done, this would be a nice day for it as the stars are giving as much harmony as they can this month. 

There’s a major vibe shift mid-month. Mercury enters Scorpio, and there’s some weird Venus trouble as Venus makes three consecutive aspects to outer planets over the three days from the 15th onwards. An opposition to Uranus, a trine with Neptune, and a sextile with Pluto. Expect some strangeness concerning Venus topics like love, sensuality, romanticism, or tangible luxuries. An unexpected offering might not be what it seems. Remember, Venus is the ruler of Libra season so this has more pressing implications than usual. 

Scorpio season kicks off on the 23rd and it’s scarier than usual given Mars’ condition. More on that next month. At least eclipse season is over. Let’s count our blessings. 

Read from your rising sign or sect light

All dates and times are in AEST


The first half of the month looks a lot more positive for you than the second half, though it might have you feeling scattered and a bit drained. Venus is in Scorpio for the first 18 days of October. While she doesn’t necessarily love it here, she will enjoy some harmonious and productive aspects with both malefics early in the month. This makes it easy for you to navigate even the trickier situations your work or career might be throwing you around this time. The good part about having Venus in your second house is that you can make financial gains, or even pick up some nice new possessions during this transit. Take the wins where you can get them.

The Solar eclipse in your sign on the 3rd signals a major new beginning for you, one which will unfold more over the coming years. Buckle up, you won’t be the same person after this. It’s make or break time for the critical relationships in your life – are you getting what you want out of them? Well, right now you might be but after this chapter of personal re-invention and cosmic emptying, you may be looking at them with new eyes. While some of this journey might not feel comfy, just know that this is all to put you on the path you were meant to be on. 

Venus makes some strange aspects between the 15th – 17th. There may be an unexpected personal situation that comes up around this time. You won’t see this for what it is for a few days, so don’t make any significant decisions until the dust settles. 

Venus enters Sagittarius and will have you feeling more bold and outgoing after the 18th, with the exception of a square with Saturn on the 29th when you may have to make some necessary but challenging decisions or changes that relate to your health or work life. 


Venus is in your sign most of the month. Enjoy it while it lasts. Your innate Scorpionic animal magnetism will be stronger than ever, embrace your dark side – especially since Venus is enjoying some productive aspects with the malefics, Saturn and Mars, early in the month. The trine between Venus and Mars on the 8th should be especially enjoyable for you. 

There’s a Solar Eclipse in your twelfth house on the 3rd. This signals a new beginning in your mental health journey or other solitary endeavour like your spirituality, or long-term health. This might mean a wakeup call around ways in which you stand in your way or self-sabotage. Now is the time to get honest with yourself about what you need to become your highest, best self – if that’s what you want. 

Mars, your ruler, enters the shadow degrees of his upcoming retrograde on the 5th. Topics or issues that come up for you over the next couple of months are likely to be revisited in the first quarter of 2025. These might be related to your beliefs, travel, study, politics or publishing. Pay attention to how you assert yourself in these areas. Why are you so defensive about your beliefs? What deeper meaning do these have for you? 

You may be faced with some confrontation from a leader or your own ego on the 14th when Mars squares the Sun. Mercury is entering your sign around this date, so you should be able to have some direct and straightforward communication or thinking around this topic. 

The Sun enters your sign on the 23rd, which is followed by some harmonious but strange aspects between Mars, Uranus, and Neptune. Try not to get lost in the spooky sauce around this time, you’re not seeing things as they are. 


Your ruling planet stations retrograde this month. This is first time he’ll do this since entering Gemini back in May. You might feel for the next few months, as if you’re moving backwards on any progress you’ve made during this time, especially when it comes to your relationships. Around the 8th & 9th you could be feeling especially centered in your relationships and have a clearer sense of how they can best serve you. You have the next few months to revise your strategy here and make them work for you. 

There’s a potent solar eclipse signalling a new chapter opening in your eleventh house on the 3rd. The eleventh house is the place of friends, philanthropy, and your hopes and wishes for the future. You will likely experience some upheaval in one or all of these areas over the coming months. Where do you see yourself nine, or eighteen years from now? What do you want long-term? A nice trine between Mercury and Jupiter takes place on the 8th, followed by the same aspect from The Sun on the 14th. These harmonious aspects should affirm any decisions or intentions you have recently made and reassure you that you’re on the right path. 

You’re able to make some mental health breakthroughs this month and set yourself up for some major successes. This might include the removal of any personal roadblocks or self-sabotage you’ve been participating in whether consciously or unconsciously. This is because Venus is transiting your twelfth house, helping you salve some of your wounds and be kinder to yourself. 

Venus moves into your sign on the 18th and you’ll likely be feeling and looking great. You’ll have a natural magnetism and charm from here until mid-November, so make the most of it. 


The Libra solar eclipse on the 3rd is in your tenth house of career and public image, as is the Mercury Cazemi that took place a couple of days beforehand. These two events signal a major life transition in terms of your career and public image that you’ve been mulling over and preparing for for the past year or so. The south node has been transiting this part of your chart since January 2023, making space and clearing away debris and old patterns of public life or public reputation that no longer serve you. You’re about to level up in a big way, even though this time may have been a bit of a damper or drag career-wise, you may have even felt like being in hermit mode as far as the public is concerned. This will be over soon. 

Venus in your eleventh house, Scorpio, makes a nice trine with your ruler, Saturn, on the 5th. This day could bring some lovely reassurance from friends, or about your dreams for the future. Maybe both. 

There’s a Full Moon in your Fourth house, Aries, on the 17th. This one is square Mars, the ruler of the Lunation, who is currently in your seventh house of relationships. Expect some longer-term goal around your home and living situation to come full circle, and this might relate directly to your partnerships. 

Venus squares Saturn later in the month on the 29th. By this time she’s in Sagittarius, your twelfth house. A secret might come back to haunt you around this time, or you might have an unpleasant reminder of some previous mental scars or self-sabotaging behaviours. Be gentle on yourself at this time, the rest of her transit here is pleasant and supportive for your mental health, lean into restorative, solo endeavours for best results. 


This month you’re re-evaluating your beliefs. You’ve been through a period of shedding old dogmas since January 2023, and you’re ready to move into a new era of conceptual reality. Maybe you don’t know what you believe in any more, what your politics are or what personal philosophy suits you. The cazemi and Solar Eclipse in Libra, your ninth house, at the start of this month should kick off a new path of assuredness that’ll be even more fortified come the new year.  

Venus trines your ruler, Saturn, on the 5th, signalling some gains from your career or public persona. Perhaps this is a pay rise, or perhaps your self-confidence gets a boost now. Venus is in your tenth house until the 18th, so the public will likely be looking at you favourably during this time, perhaps they’re enticed by your depth or natural magnetism. 

Jupiter stations retrograde for the first time in your fifth house during his transit of Gemini on the 9th. You might have had a lot of creative or romantic projects in the air since May, these may even be related to children or intentions of procreation. This theme intensifies this month, and you get a chance to revise and reconsider what’s right for you moving forward. 

There’s a potentially icky situation with to do with your friendships or groups you’re associated with on the 29th as Venus squares Saturn from your eleventh house. You might feel like you’ve gone back a few steps on any progress you’ve recently made in this area, but sit tight and lean into correct decorum and you’ll be absolutely fine and even more respected for it. 


Your ruling planet, Jupiter, stations retrograde this month for the first time since entering Gemini, your fourth house, back in May. This might feel like an intensification, or doubling down of any efforts you’ve been making in terms of your emotional, private or family life, or even around your home and living situation. You’ve come a long way in the past few months, it’s time to slow down and take stock. Maybe you’ve been doing too much. Take this time to refine your process. 

The Solar Eclipse on the 3rd takes place in your eighth house. This is the part of your chart that represents your shared finances, death, inheritance, and sexuality. You might have experienced some major upheavals in these areas since January 2023. This is the final stage in a massive overhaul of these parts of your life. Come 2025, it’s a whole new chapter. There’s also a Mercury cazemi in this part of your chart on the 1st of the month. You might experience a wakeup call, or proverbial ‘aha’ moment relating to these topics. 

Jupiter receives some nice trines from Mercury and The Sun in the weeks that follow, so you should be feeling like your perspective on these things is more harmonious. 

Venus enters your tenth house on the 18th which should make you more magnetic and attractive to the public, and offer you some wins in your career over the coming month. The 29th may have you making some serious decisions about what you want out of a career and how hard you’re willing to work for it. Take your time to think, there is no rush. 


Mars, your ruler, enters his retrograde shadow period on the 5th. From now until April next year you’re entering a strange space of personal reflection and reinvention. 

The Solar Eclipse on the 3rd is in your seventh house of relationships. You may experience some major clarity in this area of life on the 1st as Mercury meets the heart of The Sun in this part of your chart. Are you and your partner/s in life communicating honestly and openly? A major chapter has been slowly opening for you here since January 2023, consider this eclipse the final threshold to your new life. 

Mars enjoys a nice trine with Venus on the 8th. She’s in your eighth house, so this might look like a financial win through taxes, inheritance, or via your partner. It could also mean some deep bonding with your nearest and dearest is due. 

The Sun and Mars square off on the 14th, you may have to assert yourself or take some action concerning a leader figure, or even in a battle of the egos. Be the bigger person, and don’t let passive-aggressive behaviour derail you – you might be feeling a bit more vulnerable than usual with Mars in Cancer. 

There’s a Full Moon in your sign on the 17th. Some longer-term personal goal or project might culminate around this time, but the lunation squares Mars, showing that there is tension between what you thought you once wanted and what you now know you deeply need on an emotional level. This is your work now. 


You might get to enjoy some harmony in your relationships for the first half of the month, that’s because Venus, your ruler, is currently transiting your seventh house, Scorpio. 

The Mercury cazemi and Solar Eclipse on the 3rd fall in your sixth house. This is the part of your chart that concerns your work and daily routines, as well as your health and any pets you may have. These areas will be activated by the astrological activity this month, and you may see the start of some major upheavals. Eclipses like this generally signal new beginnings, so if you realise at the start of the month during  Mercury’s conjunction with The Sun that you need to overhaul something in this area, that’s likely what this next chapter will be about for you. 

You have a productive start to the month, as Venus trines Saturn in your eleventh house. Perhaps you’re building towards dreams for the future with your partner in life or business. Communication is on your side at this time too, and you’re able to express or put to action some of the deeper emotions you’ve been experiencing. Mars trines Venus from your third house on the 8th, which is a good time to action any communication-related tasks that you’ve been sitting on. 

There is some sudden weirdness mid-month, and you may experience some anxiety or confusion just before Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 18th when your energy and desire for depth and connection intensify. Boundaries might be challenged around the 29th, or you might hit a roadblock in a project that you started at the start of the month. Hard work and discipline will be necessary to see this one through. 


You kick off the month feeling empowered and creative as Mercury, your ruler, makes his superior conjunction with The Sun. There’s a Solar Eclipse in this same part of your chart on the 3rd. The next chapter in your creative, romantic, or procreative life is about to begin. Come next year these parts of your life might be completely unrecognisable. 

It’s a busy month ahead, and you may encounter some financial frustrations around the 6th when Mercury squares off with Mars in your second house. 

On the 9th Jupiter stations retrograde in your sign for the first time since entering back in May. You might feel like you need to slow down a bit for the next few months. Enjoy the progress you’ve made. Take a well-earned load off. Mercury trines Jupiter as he stations which feels like you’re very much permitting yourself to do just that. Creativity can’t come from burning the candle at both ends, it requires space and nourishment for the inspiration to flow.  

Mercury enters Scorpio on the 14th, and you’ll need to focus on your work and health for a bit. There’s a nice trine between Mercury and Saturn on the 22nd, so this focus is paying off and you’re earning public respect for it. Don’t doubt yourself. 

Some sudden hidden development or anxiety on Halloween may throw you through a loop, rest assured this aspect is a short-lived one, and we should be well used to Mercury Uranus aspects at this point. 


A major new beginning in your family or home and living situation kicks off this month with a Mercury cazemi and Solar Eclipse both taking place in your fourth house over the first three days of this month. Perhaps you’ll be moving house, or perhaps your family structure will be changing over the coming months. The fourth house is the most private and personal part of your chart, so don’t expect these changes to be visible in your public life just yet, but in time they surely will. 

Venus spends the first half of the month in your fifth house. This is a nice transit for romance, creativity and even procreation or time with children. Things may get a little wacky with regard to these topics around the 15th and 16th as Venus makes some strange connections with Uranus and Neptune. 

Mars enters the shadow period of his upcoming retrograde on the 5th. If you’ve been fortunate enough to channel this transit into physical activity rather than frustration and passive aggression, hats off to you. These themes will only intensify over the coming months, so it’s not too late to focus on physical fitness, especially with Venus entering your sixth house on the 18th. 

Something is coming full circle career-wise this month around the 17th with a Full Moon in Aries. This lunation squares its ruler, Mars, signalling that personal efforts you’ve put in have everything to do with this next period. This could even mean walking away from a position for some of you, and you’ll have Mars’ upcoming retrograde to consider your larger career options. Are your ambition and drive being recognised the way you’d like them to be?


The first half of the month should allow for some emotional harmony, especially relating to your home and family as Venus is transiting your fourth house. 

There are some major changes taking place currently that center around your communication, neighbourhood or basic skills. Perhaps you’re focusing on writing or communication-related projects, learning a new language or refining a skill. Perhaps your neighbourhood is undergoing some development. These changes will develop more in the coming months. 

The 14th looks like it will be an interesting day for you as your planetary ruler, The Sun, encounters a trine from Jupiter and a square from Mars simultaneously. This could feel at once expansive and immensely hopeful yet frustrating or tense. You could be scrambling to get something with important future implications done and at risk of self-sabotage. Try to focus on what you can do, rather than your limitations at this time. 

You may have to deal with some uncomfortable power struggles, or reminders of past shames on the 23rd, as The Sun squares Pluto in Capricorn. This might feel icky, but at least it’s the last time you’ll deal with it this lifetime, how’s that for solace? 


Your ruling planet, Mercury, makes his superior conjunction with The Sun at the very start of this month. This might come with a newfound clarity or a restored sense of purpose. This positive change might relate to your finances, possessions or self-worth as it takes place in your second house. 

Speaking of your second house, there’s a potent Solar Eclipse here a couple of days later on the 3rd. Major changes to your income have been taking place over the past year, and this is almost the end of this tumultuous chapter of reinvention. If you feel as if your financial cup has been emptying for several months, that’s almost over. There are a few more months to go, but just go with it and consider it a necessary reset. What goes down must come up right?

Mercury enjoys an extremely positive trine from Jupiter on the 8th. This one will be emphasised more than previous aspects like this as Jupiter will be stationing retrograde in Gemini for the first time during the aspect. This trine links your career or public image with your finances in a pronounced way, this could mean that efforts you’ve been putting into your career since May are finally starting to pay off. 

Jupiter’s retrograde in your tenth house might mean revisiting and revising the developments in your career or public image that have taken place over the past five months. Are you heading in the right direction here? You’ve still got time to change course or tweak things. 

You have the chance for some productive communication with a partner in life or business on the 22nd. This is a great time for constructive conversations relating to longer-term plans, or anything that involves hard work, commitment, or discipline. Venus will be in your fourth house during this time, so you’ve got emotional stability on your side. 


Image via: @ode_to_form

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